
Monday 29 January 2018

Top 5 Amazing AngularJS Based Websites

AngularJS is the best and one of the most widely used front-end frameworks for the development of dynamic web apps. Given the fact that it is created and maintained by the industry leader, Google, there is no doubt on the effectiveness of this framework. Along with Google, AngularJS is also maintained by a large community of developers who constantly help to improve the framework for use. As a result, it is easy to find AngularJSdevelopers for hire who are ready to solve your problems and provide you with some great solutions across the world.

As proof of the intuitiveness of AngularJS, given below are five prominent users of this incredible framework.

1.       The Guradian

The Guradian is a British daily newspaper and is part of one of the world's largest media organizations. With the coming of the digital age, The Guardian also took to printing its publishing digitally through an amazing web application. When The Guardian thought about redesigning its website, it took to the incredibly feature rich AngularJS for the development process.

2.                   PayPal

PayPal is a world renowned online payment system supporting money transfers for various businesses. Being the pioneer in online payments, it still ranks above all the other alternatives that came up after it. Among others, the PayPal website is a prominent example of one of the largest websites making use the robust AngularJS.

3.                   jetBlue

jetBlue is an American Airline corporations that operates low cost carriers all across the continent. jetBlue is the sixth largest Airline corporation in the United states that operates through 101 destinations. For such a reputed Airline, an intuitive online booking portal was crucial and jetBlue realized this soon enough. The latest versions of the dynamic portal were developed using AngularJS.

4.                   Lego

This Danish family owned company is well known for its branded toys that mainly consist of interlocking plastic bricks. What started as simple toys for children quickly evolved into a group of companies dominating the toy market. Like every good business does, Lego too showcases and trades its products globally through its official website. The Lego website has gone through a lot of changes over the years to match with the customer trends and provide a great user interface. In their latest release, Lego took to hiring AngularJS developers to create a remarkable front-end for their website.

5.                   Netflix

Founded in 1997, this American entertainment company specializes in providing online media streaming services caters to over 1.5 billion visitors monthly. When Netflix launched its new and trendy website to better reach out to its target millennial audience, after a thorough research it landed on the decision to make use of AngularJS to develop its user friendly front-end. The development team definitely made a remarkable decision on this end too.

So these were just 5 of the plethora of large businesses that rely on AngularJS to deliver their services through a dynamic web application developed with a robust framework.
Looking to create a similarly well equipped Web App with AngularJS? Well, look no further. Get in touch with us to have the Best AngularJSDevelopment Company to aid you in your project.


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    Choosing the best method for finding an influencer that fits your needs can be complicated. Ultimately, you are looking for a partner, and just like any partnership, you need to take your time and consider all the options. Much like dating sites, marketplaces allow you to look at hundreds of profiles of different influencers. A marketplace offers the best features of a database by pulling in real-time information, but it allows you to avoid middlemen. Marketplaces tend to offer less tracking, but they are also more affordable. Say you’re working with a client (let’s call them Client A) in the gaming industry — specifically in the smartphone app gaming industry.
    Digital Information World shows that on average, internet users spend over two hours each day on social media, among both user-generated content and media from brands across the globe. Brands can use that time to put their message in front of potential customers. Instagram is used primarily by people in their 30s to share images and videos for entertainment and to keep up with friends and family.
    Unlike other platforms like LinkedIn, which focuses on professional development, and YouTube, which is mainly for entertainment and education. With a whopping 2.74 billion active users, Facebook isn’t only the largest social media platform but is an undisputed pioneer of social media as we know it today. Instagram also created their official ‘Paid partnership’ tag, which sits above a post to inform users that a brand is collaborating with that influencer. Micro influencers are likely to manage themselves, so contact them through the email on their profile or send them a direct message within Instagram. If you’re looking at a larger influencer, they will probably have an agency who manage their campaign requests – this is typically listed in their bio. On a larger budget, you can think about bigger influencers, but try not to be fooled by vanity metrics such as number of followers and focus predominantly on engagement rate.
