
Monday 15 January 2018

5 Awesome nopCommerce features for 2018!

Previously, we discussed about 5 amazing features for AspDotNetStorefront for 2018. In this article, we move on to the next amazing open source eCommerce platforms, nopCommerce. We will have a look at some amazing features, store owners using nopCommerce can make use of, for a lucrative year.

nopCommerce is a widely popular open source eCommerce platform that runs over 30,000 stores worldwide. With the source code in hand, the possibilities of the features you can implement are plenty. Given below are examples of a few such features you can integrate your store with in 2018:

1. Elastic Search for nopCommerce

Elastic search, now known as Elastic, is a database search engine that can speed up your website's responses exponentially, thereby increasing its overall speed. Speed is a really important factor for any online store and that is exactly what you get from Elastic. With this high functioning search engine, even stores with over 500,000 products can return results in under a second. Increasing the speed of your website is in no way an opportunity you want to miss.

2. Custom Product Builder

Custom or self customizable products will be the talk of the town this year. The rise in customer demand for such products have compelled the eCommere industry to heed to it as soon as possible. Plus, custom products generate a much higher profit margin, a lot of repeat sales and almost negligible product returns. To integrate such a feature, you can simply hire expert nopCommerce developers to create a custom create it for you. Ready made plugins too are available for this but don't work too well.

3. Online Bargaining Feature

Every customers loves a good bargain and thanks to technology, this can now be provided to online stores. Not only does this give the customers the confidence that they are getting the product for a great price, it also ensures that customers promote the store for the reason that their products are provided at the best price. An online bargaining feature is a pretty simple yet highly effective feature to introduce to increase user engagement and publicity.

4. Advanced Mega Drop Down Menus

Simplifying user navigation is always on top of the list when creating a successful eCommerce store. An advanced mega drop down menu does exactly that and does it really well. Extra features that make mega drop down menus an incredible asset include custom categorization of products, category thumbnail image support, ability to display promotional banners for more seamless marketing strategies, advanced search function within menu etc.

5. Convert Product Page to Landing Page

Converting each product page to a landing page makes your marketing efforts a lot more seamless and increase the productivity of the whole campaign. Landing pages deliver a much better user experience in terms of delivering information about the product by making it more easily readable and visually appealing. It promotes higher conversions and even performs significantly better in terms of SEO.

So these were just a few of the nopCommerce features you can include in your store to prepare yourself for a lucrative year ahead. However, as stated earlier, there are still a number of outstanding custom features for nopCommerce you can use, these were just a few.


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