
Saturday 6 January 2018

How to ensure your nopCommerce store keeps profiting after the holiday season?

The holiday season has come to an end. As steps are taken into the new year, the rush for gifts and online shopping is calming down. After an upsurge, eCommerce stores witness a drastic decline in both traffic as well as sales.

But the important fact about this time of the year is that the high earnings of the holiday season seem to come to a complete halt which is in no way good for eCommerce stores. As a store owner, you would definitely prefer that the shopping spree continues even after the season.

There are quite some ways in which nopCommerce stores can achieve this. Given below are a few tips to keep your store in high profits even after the season has ended.

1. Keep the Sale On!

This is probably one of the best ways to continue to draw shopper's attention to your store. Majority of the stores end their sale at this time. On top of that, most of the customers too are in a cash crunch due to the previous month's spending.

This makes it the perfect time for you to continue your sale with significant price cuts and draw customers to your store. nopCommerce offers a variety of discount plugins that you can exploit during this time. Plus, since you'll be the one of very few to keep up the sale, you'll definitely stand out.

2. Start a Strategic Exchange Offer

Apart from this time being the most slow in sales, this is also one of the times when product returns are the highest. This is a problem for both the stores and the customers. The reason for this is that due to the busy schedule during the holidays, users are unable to return their products if they don't like it. However, once it's all over, they can move on to returning it.

So instead of just taking the product back, offer them to exchange the product with something else and also give them extra store credit. Not only will this make them happy, it will also drive them back to your store to redeem the credit.

3. Introduce an Awesome new feature

Apart from the sale, introducing an exciting new feature to your store during this time is another way of maintaining the customer focus on to you. Since the traffic is slow, you definitely have the time and opportunity to make some changes to your store and create a buzz for it. Once you're done, you can launch it with a bang and draw back your customers.

With nopCommerce, there are numerous possibilities to implement an exciting new feature. Take a look here to see some examples of some amazing custom nopCommerce features you were missing out on.

4. Take a break, Make some Changes

Well this is something completely different but still is worth your while. In the holiday season, your store was tested to its limits by an upsurge of traffic, orders, sales etc. analyzing this would have given you a good idea of any updates or upgrades you might require to keep your store stable and meet its growing demands. Well, this is the perfect time to do this.

You can migrate your store to another platform, upgrade some of the features of the store, integrate something new based on your target audience's behavior, even eliminate some features or product listings that may not have been lucrative enough. This will prepare you for the future well and will also help you reconfigure your strategies to accelerate growth.

So this is how you can keep your nopCommerce store profiting even after the holiday season. Even if you take a break, you will be high in profits in the near future during the other seasons and most obviously the year's end.


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