
Tuesday, 26 September 2017

How a Product Configurator can help your eCommerce Store flourish?

The eCommerce industry is worth a trillion dollars and is growing exponentially. This figure gives you a brief idea of the number of eCommerce businesses that might be running and it definitely is a very big number. Due to the intense competition, eCommerce businesses are forced to offer something very unique if they want to get ahead of the others.

A product configurator is an eCommerce extension or module that allows online stores to provide customizable products to their customers. Customizable products are great way for your business to gain competitive leverage over others. Apart from this, given below are 5 ways how a ready-made product configurator module can help your online store flourish;

 1. Less Competitive Market

The demand of customizable products is extremely high. However, not a lot of people actually offer these. This is primarily because of the complexity of implementing such a functionality on their website. However, our Multi-Step Product configurator is actually incredibly easy to install and use. So this gives you a golden opportunity to reap the benefits of a very lucrative market with really little competition.

2. More Repeat Sales

Customizing a product is a very fun and engaging activity. If customers get to experience this in your store, they are bound to return to it repeatedly to get more of it. Being able to customize the products gives them a range of new possibilities. This also makes them eager to try these out and hence drive a lot of repeat sales.

3. Greater Customer Loyalty

Its not just the whole process but the fact that they are able to buy exactly what they want from your store rather than having to settle for something that's just remotely close is also what drives them to come back. Your products automatically become a lot more valuable to them. Your products start to reflect their personal requirements a lot better than other stores. All of this collectively drives them to become more loyal and frequent to your online store.

4. Direct Touch with Customers

Another advantage of having a custom product builder is that you are able to eliminate the middle men and directly connect with your customers. This helps you streamline the process of ordering in a much better way. Being in direct touch with them also gives you an insight of what your target customers are looking for in your products. This in turn is beneficial to help you improve your product specifications.

5. Better Online Presence

A Custom Product Builder Feature for eCommerce stores is a rather unique functionality. As mentioned earlier, not a lot of people provide this. This means that with this feature on your store, you are bound to drive a lot more traffic to your website as you engage with new customers. Creativity always draws a lot of attention online and a product builder is quite a creative functionality. Such a creative feature will engage users better compelling them to share about it in their social circles. This will in turn drive new customers to your store everyday.


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