The mobile app market is not the same as it was before. With the insatiable demand and rise in competition, mobile app development companies are constantly introducing new changes and strategies in order to help businesses keep up with the competition.
Given below are 5 Mobile App trends that will change the mobile app market in the near future.
1. Interactive Push notifications
Push notifications became a crucial feature in 2017 for browsers. Although introduced a little earlier, it was only in the late 2016 that they caught a lot of heat. With them came along Interactive push notifications for mobile. In simple words, these notifications allow you to take an action or respond to the notification to without exiting your current application.
Interactive push notifications got a lot of positive feedback as it took the customer first approach by not forcing a notification on them but rather giving them a better option while their busy. In coming years, you will definitely see a lot of these popping up on your screens.
2. Wearable Apps
Wearable Apps introduced a new app ecosystem. Although these too have been around for quite some time, it is only now that the industry is seeing an exponential boom. With the rise in the functionalities they can provide and their reduced costs, wearable devices have become widely popular all around the world. And along with them, the wearable apps that power these devices too.
The functionalities of wearable devices are increasing and with them the functionalities of their related apps. However, along with these, other apps too will be compelled to make wearable device versions of themselves as wearable devices increase their reach. Major apps like Uber or Google Search already do.
3. Augmented Reality Apps
With the introduction of Pokemon Go, augmented reality was brought into a new light. New possibilities of AR opened up and AR App Developers became high valued resources. And now, AR apps are being introduced in the mobile apps of almost every industry there is. Real estate, eCommerce, Gaming, Automobile, Furniture etc.
It wouldn't be very long before almost every industry would have a mobile app that implements the Augmented Reality Technology in one way or the other. Audi has already built complete showrooms around this technology awing customers worldwide. Mobile apps won't be very far.
4. Enterprise Apps
With the growth in the trend of Bring Your Own Device to Work, enterprise apps are destined to have a very large growth rate ahead. Since majority of businesses today rely on some sort of collaboration and office management software, there seems to be no other cost effective solution other than enterprise apps.
Enterprise apps are an extremely safe bet for businesses. they save up on device costs, device maintenance costs and since most of them will be developed as hybrid apps to cover the varied range of devices, they would also save a lot on development costs.
5. No More Hamburger Menus
There was a time when hamburger menus were an easy way out for mobile apps from a relatively huge and complex menu. However, 2017 might just mark its end. with the ever increasing demand of having more option in visible sights, app owners have no other choice rather than to use other alternatives for their menu.
Hamburger menus sure made the job easy, but that is not something mobile apps should aim for. Mobile apps should aim to deliver a better user experience to their customers in every possible way. And that's not always easy. Popular trends that might take over the hamburgers include in-line scrolling navigation, side scrolling navigation (something which is very popular with apps), bottom navigation and tabs.
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