
Monday, 29 January 2018

Top 5 Amazing AngularJS Based Websites

AngularJS is the best and one of the most widely used front-end frameworks for the development of dynamic web apps. Given the fact that it is created and maintained by the industry leader, Google, there is no doubt on the effectiveness of this framework. Along with Google, AngularJS is also maintained by a large community of developers who constantly help to improve the framework for use. As a result, it is easy to find AngularJSdevelopers for hire who are ready to solve your problems and provide you with some great solutions across the world.

As proof of the intuitiveness of AngularJS, given below are five prominent users of this incredible framework.

1.       The Guradian

The Guradian is a British daily newspaper and is part of one of the world's largest media organizations. With the coming of the digital age, The Guardian also took to printing its publishing digitally through an amazing web application. When The Guardian thought about redesigning its website, it took to the incredibly feature rich AngularJS for the development process.

2.                   PayPal

PayPal is a world renowned online payment system supporting money transfers for various businesses. Being the pioneer in online payments, it still ranks above all the other alternatives that came up after it. Among others, the PayPal website is a prominent example of one of the largest websites making use the robust AngularJS.

3.                   jetBlue

jetBlue is an American Airline corporations that operates low cost carriers all across the continent. jetBlue is the sixth largest Airline corporation in the United states that operates through 101 destinations. For such a reputed Airline, an intuitive online booking portal was crucial and jetBlue realized this soon enough. The latest versions of the dynamic portal were developed using AngularJS.

4.                   Lego

This Danish family owned company is well known for its branded toys that mainly consist of interlocking plastic bricks. What started as simple toys for children quickly evolved into a group of companies dominating the toy market. Like every good business does, Lego too showcases and trades its products globally through its official website. The Lego website has gone through a lot of changes over the years to match with the customer trends and provide a great user interface. In their latest release, Lego took to hiring AngularJS developers to create a remarkable front-end for their website.

5.                   Netflix

Founded in 1997, this American entertainment company specializes in providing online media streaming services caters to over 1.5 billion visitors monthly. When Netflix launched its new and trendy website to better reach out to its target millennial audience, after a thorough research it landed on the decision to make use of AngularJS to develop its user friendly front-end. The development team definitely made a remarkable decision on this end too.

So these were just 5 of the plethora of large businesses that rely on AngularJS to deliver their services through a dynamic web application developed with a robust framework.
Looking to create a similarly well equipped Web App with AngularJS? Well, look no further. Get in touch with us to have the Best AngularJSDevelopment Company to aid you in your project.

Tuesday, 23 January 2018

Top 5 UI Frameworks to simplify your AngularJS Application Development

Top 5 AngularJS UI frameworks

Application development with AngularJS is always exciting and holds a lot of possibilities and scope. After all, it is maintained and constantly improved by a dedicated team of engineers at Google. This  is a framework that seriously simplifies the development process allowing AngularJS developers to create more robust applications a lot more easily. Although there are many such factors that contribute to this efficiency, the range of frameworks that support AngularJS is a prime reason.

The UI of an application is an incredibly important since it is the primary customer touch point that helps the user decide whether they want to continue using it or not. Creating an amazing and seamless User Interface can be a difficult task. However, the frameworks given below can make it incredibly simple for AngularJS based applications.

1. Ionic

Ionic is a front end framework that is optimized to create native and progressive web apps with AngularJS. It equips web developers with an app stack that allows them to create mobile applications for all platforms using a single code base.

Ionic apps are built using components that allow you to quickly construct an interface for the app. Ionic is equipped with a number of such components including modals, alerts, cards gestures. etc.

2. Mobile Angular UI

If you plan on making HTML 5 mobile apps, then the best UI framework for you is Mobile Angular UI. Developers with the knowledge of Twitter bootstrap and AngularJS will find it incredibly easy to use since you won't require any more knowledge.

The Mobile Angular UI framework provides developers with a lot of mobile based components like sidebars, scrollable areas, segmented navigation, tabs etc. All of these make mobile app development really straightforward. 

3. Angular Material

Angular Material is one of the most popular front-end UI frameworks that provides components that work very well across mobile, web and desktop applications. Angular Material ensures that all modern design principles are adhered to during application development.

This framework provides a number of important  components that used in user applications like buttons, datepickers, form fields, inputs etc.

4. LumX

LumX is one of the first responsive front-end frameworks that follows the Google Material Design guidelines during its development. LumX is dependent on AngularJS to carry out the application development based on its MVC architecture.

The component list of this responsive front-end framework is similar to that of Angular Material. It too includes a number of components like buttons, cards, dropdowns, notifications, cards etc.

5. Angular UI bootstrap

As the name suggests, the Angular UI bootstrap is built on top of the front-end framework, Bootstrap. The Bootstrap based components of this framework are written in pure AngularJS. 

The framework includes several directives crucial for a smooth user interface like carousels, pagination, ratings, tabs, popovers etc.

The range of frameworks aiding AngularJS is a very long list that keeps on growing with the developer community's contribution. The one thing we can be sure about is the fact that in a very short span of time, AngularJS has become the most popular frameworks to be used for the right reasons.

Looking to hire AngularJS developers for your next project? Look no further and get in touch to start working on it today.

Monday, 15 January 2018

5 Awesome nopCommerce features for 2018!

Previously, we discussed about 5 amazing features for AspDotNetStorefront for 2018. In this article, we move on to the next amazing open source eCommerce platforms, nopCommerce. We will have a look at some amazing features, store owners using nopCommerce can make use of, for a lucrative year.

nopCommerce is a widely popular open source eCommerce platform that runs over 30,000 stores worldwide. With the source code in hand, the possibilities of the features you can implement are plenty. Given below are examples of a few such features you can integrate your store with in 2018:

1. Elastic Search for nopCommerce

Elastic search, now known as Elastic, is a database search engine that can speed up your website's responses exponentially, thereby increasing its overall speed. Speed is a really important factor for any online store and that is exactly what you get from Elastic. With this high functioning search engine, even stores with over 500,000 products can return results in under a second. Increasing the speed of your website is in no way an opportunity you want to miss.

2. Custom Product Builder

Custom or self customizable products will be the talk of the town this year. The rise in customer demand for such products have compelled the eCommere industry to heed to it as soon as possible. Plus, custom products generate a much higher profit margin, a lot of repeat sales and almost negligible product returns. To integrate such a feature, you can simply hire expert nopCommerce developers to create a custom create it for you. Ready made plugins too are available for this but don't work too well.

3. Online Bargaining Feature

Every customers loves a good bargain and thanks to technology, this can now be provided to online stores. Not only does this give the customers the confidence that they are getting the product for a great price, it also ensures that customers promote the store for the reason that their products are provided at the best price. An online bargaining feature is a pretty simple yet highly effective feature to introduce to increase user engagement and publicity.

4. Advanced Mega Drop Down Menus

Simplifying user navigation is always on top of the list when creating a successful eCommerce store. An advanced mega drop down menu does exactly that and does it really well. Extra features that make mega drop down menus an incredible asset include custom categorization of products, category thumbnail image support, ability to display promotional banners for more seamless marketing strategies, advanced search function within menu etc.

5. Convert Product Page to Landing Page

Converting each product page to a landing page makes your marketing efforts a lot more seamless and increase the productivity of the whole campaign. Landing pages deliver a much better user experience in terms of delivering information about the product by making it more easily readable and visually appealing. It promotes higher conversions and even performs significantly better in terms of SEO.

So these were just a few of the nopCommerce features you can include in your store to prepare yourself for a lucrative year ahead. However, as stated earlier, there are still a number of outstanding custom features for nopCommerce you can use, these were just a few.

Wednesday, 10 January 2018

5 Amazing Features for your AspDotNetStorefront for 2018

The new year anticipates an exponential growth of unique trends in the eCommerce industry. Since this is the time of the year when traffic to eCommerce stores is a little calm, a number of stores are gearing up to adopt such unique trends to keep themselves ahead of their competitors this year.

Each eCommerce platform has numerous possibilities based on its core construct and in this article we will be discussing about the platform, AspDotNetStorefront.

AspDotNetStorefront is one of the most mature eCommerce platforms present in the market. It is one of the oldest ones launched and has witnessed and been a part of the evolution of the eCommerce industry.

AspdotNetStorefront users are provided with the source code of the platform once they purchase the license which allows them to make all types of changes to the platform for their store. This means that the possibilities of features that can be executed in the platform is limitless.

Given below are 5 such amazing features that you can easily implement with this amazing platform to keep up with the trends of 2018.

1. Amazon/eBay and other marketplace connector

Marketplaces like Amazon or eBay are becoming a very crucial part of all eCommerce businesses. They have the capability to contribute very significantly to your sales and overall revenue. However, it often gets very difficult managing your products on your website and other marketplaces simultaneously.

An AspDotNetStorefront marketplace connector plugin can help you easily overcome this difficulty and help you add some serious profits to your store.

2. Banner Carousel Module

No matter what, Banner Carousel are still a great way to establish a great impact on a user's first contact with the store. It updates users about the latest on goings on the websites and is also plesing to look at if designed well. A Banner Carousel Add On for AspDotNetStorefront can help you customize and make this first impression even better a lot easily.

It helps you customize the entire experience and even have schedule your banners beforehand so you don't have to worry about them later.

3. Product Configurator

Custom products are in really high demand nowadays as products that can be customized are closer to what the customer actually needs. It reflects their creativity and also engages them really well. It's also a reason why users are willing to pay higher prices for custom products. This year, a plethora of stores will be introducing self customizable products for their store in response to its demand.

Even though it may sound complex, a product customizer plugin for AspDotNetStorefront is not as difficult to execute. Plus, the returns of such a feature are seriously high.

4. Elasticsearch

Elasticsearch is an open source database search engine based on Lucene. Since the technology dependent audience of today requires everything to be really quick, Elasticsearch, or now known as Elastic, is a perfect fit for your store to provide you with that lightning speed. With Elastic, even databases with over 500,000 products returns results in well under a second.

Again, even though it might sound a bit complicated, to integrate Elastic with AspDotNetStorefront is a rather easy process that can start showing results really quick.

5. Advanced Search Function 

Finally, a good search function is always a crucial feature for any eCommerce store. It simplifies navigation and enhances user experience thereby making your store a seamless shopping destination. An advanced search function should typically include synonym and typo support, keyword matches in groups, promotional banner support, filters within the search etc.

As per the current trend, the search function should also seamlessly support Voice search. Therefore, an Advanced Search Function Module for AspDotNetStorefront is an incredibly critical addition.

Although there are many, these are a few that can you can have integrated with your store rather quickly and start seeing results immediately. AspDotNetStorefront is an incredible platforms with immense possibilities. You just have to make sure you make use of it well.

Saturday, 6 January 2018

How to ensure your nopCommerce store keeps profiting after the holiday season?

The holiday season has come to an end. As steps are taken into the new year, the rush for gifts and online shopping is calming down. After an upsurge, eCommerce stores witness a drastic decline in both traffic as well as sales.

But the important fact about this time of the year is that the high earnings of the holiday season seem to come to a complete halt which is in no way good for eCommerce stores. As a store owner, you would definitely prefer that the shopping spree continues even after the season.

There are quite some ways in which nopCommerce stores can achieve this. Given below are a few tips to keep your store in high profits even after the season has ended.

1. Keep the Sale On!

This is probably one of the best ways to continue to draw shopper's attention to your store. Majority of the stores end their sale at this time. On top of that, most of the customers too are in a cash crunch due to the previous month's spending.

This makes it the perfect time for you to continue your sale with significant price cuts and draw customers to your store. nopCommerce offers a variety of discount plugins that you can exploit during this time. Plus, since you'll be the one of very few to keep up the sale, you'll definitely stand out.

2. Start a Strategic Exchange Offer

Apart from this time being the most slow in sales, this is also one of the times when product returns are the highest. This is a problem for both the stores and the customers. The reason for this is that due to the busy schedule during the holidays, users are unable to return their products if they don't like it. However, once it's all over, they can move on to returning it.

So instead of just taking the product back, offer them to exchange the product with something else and also give them extra store credit. Not only will this make them happy, it will also drive them back to your store to redeem the credit.

3. Introduce an Awesome new feature

Apart from the sale, introducing an exciting new feature to your store during this time is another way of maintaining the customer focus on to you. Since the traffic is slow, you definitely have the time and opportunity to make some changes to your store and create a buzz for it. Once you're done, you can launch it with a bang and draw back your customers.

With nopCommerce, there are numerous possibilities to implement an exciting new feature. Take a look here to see some examples of some amazing custom nopCommerce features you were missing out on.

4. Take a break, Make some Changes

Well this is something completely different but still is worth your while. In the holiday season, your store was tested to its limits by an upsurge of traffic, orders, sales etc. analyzing this would have given you a good idea of any updates or upgrades you might require to keep your store stable and meet its growing demands. Well, this is the perfect time to do this.

You can migrate your store to another platform, upgrade some of the features of the store, integrate something new based on your target audience's behavior, even eliminate some features or product listings that may not have been lucrative enough. This will prepare you for the future well and will also help you reconfigure your strategies to accelerate growth.

So this is how you can keep your nopCommerce store profiting even after the holiday season. Even if you take a break, you will be high in profits in the near future during the other seasons and most obviously the year's end.

Tuesday, 2 January 2018

What are Android Instant Apps and their Benefits?

Instant Apps for Android is a rather creative way in which Google is trying to aid businesses to achieve the success they expect from their apps. Instant apps are the next step in the evolution of mobile app sharing and discovery. So let's have a look at what instant apps are.

What are instant apps?

In simple words, Android Instant Apps are those that can be discovered and accessed by users easily without downloading or installing it.

This will be best explained by the following example.

"Suppose you hire an android app development company to create a gaming app that consists of various missions. In order to hook new users, they will first have to install the app (which is often a big hindrance in an app's success) and then play various missions.

However, with instant apps, you will be able to make a few missions of the games available without the users needing to install the whole app, with just a simple link. Once they enjoy a few missions, they can then move forward to downloading the app later after their interest in the game arises."

In Android instant apps, your app is divided into various modules that can individually be accessed by anyone with the link of the module without installing the app. This module can be anything based on your app's functionality. For instance, in the above example, each mission of the game would be a module that can be shared. The link can either be shared by someone or made available on search engines to be accessed.

What are the Benefits of Instant Apps?

There are a number of benefits of Instant Apps for app owners. Some of these include:

1. Easy to reach new audience

As mentioned earlier, instant apps can be accessed by anyone with a simple link without installing it. This makes it easy for new audience to use it and get an idea of it without wasting a lot of time finding it on Play Store and downloading it for use without knowing about it first. Once users get an idea about the functionalities of an app, they are more likely to install the whole app.

2. eCommerce Apps can make Checkout a lot Easier

eCommerce Instant Apps can make the checkout process a lot easier with a module. Developers can build an instant eCommerce app module, for product categories, in which users will be already logged in as guests. This will allow them to shop and purchase the item without a lot of hassle of entering personal information. This will be similar to the guest checkout option in the website. After enjoying a seamless shopping experience on your instant app, users will be compelled to download the app.

3. Easy to Share with Prospective Users

It is said that your customers are your best promoters. With instant apps this becomes quite literal. With the ability to easily share and provide access to other people, users who liked the app can forward its link to other like minded people who would also enjoy it. This way, your existing users and new users who find the app to be interesting will become the promoters of your app which in turn would increase your audience even more.

4. Easily conduct a Comprehensive Market Research

If you're unsure about how your app should run and what kind of functionalities would users prefer having in it, instant apps are a great way to help you. You can start with developing modules of your app to be launched as instant apps. Once done, you can then share and distribute the links of these modules, make changes and test creative functionalities to see which have a more positive response. After finalizing the app's features, you can launch it while also keeping the instant apps available for others.

A good thing about instant apps is that you wouldn't have to make changes to your existing app to make an instant app. This makes it easy for you to explore a new opportunity with absolutely no risks involved. Instant apps are definitely a great addition to the android app development world. So far these are only available for android devices.

Have an amazing app idea? Want to see it as an instant app? Get in touch with us today to hire android app developers and see your app in action!